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Equinoccial spanish school

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Equinoccial spanish schoolEquinoccial Spanish School is the most important Spanish school in Quito - Ecuador and one of the first in South America that opened its doors in 1986 being pioneers in Spanish lessons and most of the services it provides. Equinoccial Spanish school in Ecuador, located in Quito with 20 years experience in teaching students giving Spanish lessons and Spanish classes.

The Spanish school offers personalized language program services in traveling and, or Spanish studying and learning. You will have the chance to learn, explore the country and the culture, staying at accommodation places or families to make you feel just as comfortable as you wish to. Our Spanish school’s infrastructure enables us to coordinate centrally all Spanish lessons for each individual student, in whichever they prefer to study.


Equinoccial spanish school, individual lessonsEquinoccial Spanish School offers only Spanish lessons or combined Spanish lessons with exciting travel and intercultural exchange. There are beautiful places to go, such us Quito, the first City in the world to be named Cultural Patrimony of Humanity.

Another location, in the Ecuadorian jungle, offers more biodiversity than any other ecosystem in the world, the exciting Andes with its magic and we also organize trips to the enchanted Galapagos Islands, although these do not include Spanish courses.

Basic program
Flexible Spanish classes are also available in our unsurpassed Spanish school, and if you don’t have so much time, we are here to solve you this problem, don’t worry we also have an intensive Spanish program for you, take a look to our Standard and Flexi Spanish programs carefully planned, and determined just for our costumers’ needs.

Quito Ecuador Spanish schoolsExplore program
Our Explore Spanish Program is specially designed for you to discover the beautiful Ecuadorian country while studying in a Spanish program with professional teachers. Explore the Tropical Coast, the Jungle Spirit, or in the beautiful Sacred Valley of Vilcabamba in the Ecuadorian Sierra with this Spanish Program.

Gold program
The GOLD Spanish Program is on the one hand a Spanish program and on the other a travel program with the best travel destinations of Ecuador. It’s your exclusive compromise in a travel Spanish program between experience the beautiful Ecuador by travelling and it’s language by studying with professional Spanish teachers in our Spanish travel program.

Wild GLBT program
Take pleasure in a friendly gay Spanish school in South America with special GLBT Spanish and travel program in Ecuador for gays and lesbian, share with GLBT group in Ecuador, Quito, Spanish classes in the jungle, the beach, Galapagos, Spanish classes in Quito with certified Spanish teachers.


Accommodation: When you are living in Ecuador to get Spanish Education, the best place lodging in Ecuador is lodging in Quito. Equinoccial Spanish education school will provide students with accommodation in Quito and food during their stay while they receive the best Spanish education in Ecuador. The students will get a family stay in Ecuador while living in Quito taking Spanish education with Ecuadorian families as a support of their language development with Spanish education.  Room of our host families A Family Stay offers the students the opportunity to practice their Spanish education in a natural family setting – the most natural Spanish education.

In addition, they can experience the local culture and food and make friends in a way that most tourists don't get the chance to receive natural Spanish education. The families which provide homes for the students have been chosen to provide a safe and pleasant environment in residential neighborhoods. We guarantee high quality for all offered accommodations, meals and Spanish education.

Reina Victoria 1325 y Lizardo Garcia
Quito, Ecuador
(593) (2) 256 4488


Tours in Quito: fantastic tours to historical sites, museums, colonial churches, artisan galleries and a number of activities to choose from.

Galapagos Islands

Visiting Ecuador? Don't miss the Galapagos Islands

click here for a virtual tour

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