Quito pictures

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Fuchsia sp
Fuchsia sp

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Guzmania melinonis
Guzmania melinonis

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Orchid

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Heliconia sp
Heliconia sp

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo bromeliads

Quito plants & wildlife pictures

The monumental beauty of the Spanish section of the city and the harmony of the buildings in the modern part of Quito are surrounded by the most beautiful of landscapes and a horizon

which is full of surprises. The immediate surroundings are green, every imaginable shade of green. The first chroniclers, impressed by this greenness that continues all the year round, spoke of Quito as a city of constant green.

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Osiphanes sp
Osiphanes sp

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Leucochimona Vestalis
Leucochimona vestalis

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Scada sp
Scada sp

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Hummingbird

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Fawn breasted tanager
Fawn Breasted

Quito, Ecuador, Mindo Violet tailed Sylph
Violet tailed Sylph

◄  Quito museums pictures

Quito La Compania church  

Tours in Quito: fantastic tours to historical sites, museums, colonial churches, artisan galleries and a number of activities to choose from.

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