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General information

Ecuador with a vast natural and cultural wealth, is geographically divided into four regions: Sierra, Costa, Amazonia and Galapagos. The diversity of its four regions offers hundreds of thousands of species of flora and fauna.

Ecuador es el país con mayor biodiversidad por km2 del mundo, por lo que es considerado uno de los 17 países donde se concentra la mayor biodiversidad del planeta. Alberga 1618 especies de aves, alrededor de unas 4500 mariposas, reptiles 345, los anfibios 358 y los mamíferos 258, entre otras.

Each of the regions of Ecuador has distinctive characteristics that the visitor can feel visiting four different countries.

Sierra or Interandina

It is one of the four natural regions of Ecuador, stretching from north to south through the Andes. Conformed by the provinces of Pichincha, Carchi, Tungurahua, Chimborazo, Cañar, Azuay, Loja, Imbabura, Bolívar and Cotopaxi. It is characterized by its impressive mountainous elevations, volcanoes and snow-capped mountains, which is why it is also known as Avenida de Volcanes.

Costa or Litoral

The coastal region extends from the Pacific Ocean to the foothills of the Andes Mountains. Confirmed by 7 provinces: Esmeraldas, Manabí, Guayas, Santa Elena, El Oro, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas and Los Ríos, the latter two do not have exits to the sea. It is characterized by having a warm and humid climate with temperatures ranging between 25 and 31 degrees Celsius.

East or Amazon

Located to the east of the eastern branch of the Andes, the Amazon region is listed as the largest remnant of tropical rainforest in the world. It has a territory of 12,000 square kilometers and is made up of 6 provinces: Orellana, Pastaza, Napo, Sucumbíos, Morona Santiago, Zamora Chinchipe. It is characterized by housing the world's most complete and complex animal habitats and vegetation.

Galapagos or Insular

Located 1,000 km off the coast of continental Ecuador, it is a group of islands that make up the Colón Archipelago or the Galapagos Islands. Made up of main islands, 17 islets, and dozens of ancient rock formations. They have a wide range of diversity in flora and fauna, including some endemic species. It also has beautiful beaches and unique ecosystems, which make this place more attractive as a tourist destination.

Data of interest

South America
17 424 463
American dollar
Spanish and Quichua

Ecuador map

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