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Casa de Sucre museum

Detail of the House of Sucre Museum in Quito EcuadorThe place keeps the personal objects and memories military from the "Marshal of Ayacucho" and its wife. In 1977 the Ministry of Defense recovered the house that belonged to Antonio Jose de Sucre and its wife Mariana Carcelen. Since then she is open to the public like a museum. The house of Sucre museum is divided in two plants and each one keeps the dresses, the equipment, the furniture and the memories military of the "Abel of America". The visits are guided. History tells that Venezuelan general Antonio Jose de Sucre was an enthusiastic one of Quito. As much that one married with Mariana Carcelen, Marquise of Solanda, one of the inhabitants of Quito more accumulated, with that formed a home in the house located in the present streets Venezuela and Sucre.

The Annals of the Town hall indicate that for 1714 this house Perez de Ubilus belonged to Sebastián, who inherited their son, Felipe Carcelén, father of Mariana. By then, the construction included almost all a block. Years later, the 28 of April of 1828, Sucre contracted marriage with Carcelén, in a peculiar act, because the Marshal of Ayacucho celebrated for the date like President of Bolivia, reason for which sent to general Vicente Aguirre like its representative in the married ceremony. Aguirre, before this, received the order to buy a house for residence of the new pair. And he acquired the property of the Carcelén family. Immediately afterwards, and by means of correspondence, it reviewed to Sucre the structure to him of the building, and this one, thanks to its studies engineering schoolboy, sent to planes for its rehabilitation and decoration.

Finally, Sucre arrived at its home the 20 from September from same year. And gave to a truce to its life single-breasted uniform jacket and policy there him, to dedicate itself to form a family. Thus, after ten months her daughter was born Teresa Sucre. The happiness with his lasted little. Then it had to let the country to attend a congress in which it was wanted to avoid the dissolution of the Great Colombia.

Without obtaining success in the management, the Marshal undertook his return to Quito. But the 4 of June of 1830 a bullet crossed its skull in the Colombian forests of Berruecos. Mariana Carcelén later received the news of the deceases weeks. It went to recover the body of his husband and it hid it in the Convent of the Low Carmen. There it remained until 1904, when the government of Eloy Alfaro decided to transfer the rest to a mausoleo in The Cathedral.

A year after the murder of Sucre, Marquise de Solanda contracted new nuptials with general Isidoro Belly, and together they procreated its Manuel son. To the death of the Marquise, it becomes the owner of the house.

Ramon Paz and Miño acquire time later, and at the end of century XIX he finishes off it in 28 thousand pesos. During the first years of century XX, the building was painted with an intense indigo, reason why was known it like the ' Azul' House. There pharmacies, ironworks and warehouses worked.

The Ministry of Defense bought the construction in 1970, it recovered it from 1972 and it opened it for the visits of the public in 1977.


Address: Venezuela No. 573 and Sucre Quito Pichincha Ecuador.
Open: Tuesday - friday from 08:00 to 16:45.
Saturday: from 08:30 to 13:00.
Telephone: 295 2860
Services: Tours.















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