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Pichincha Ecuador

Map of Pichincha Quito Ecuador


Within Ecuador, the Province of Pichincha is one from most important, nonsingle one to lodge to Quito, capital of the country and "Cultural Heritage of the Humanity", but by without number of tourist places that it has located around his nine cantons, it is in the heat of located equatorial region of the stops You walk.

One is in the heat of located equatorial region of the Stops You walk. It limits the North, with the provinces of Imbabura and Esmeraldas, to the South, with Cotopaxi and the Rivers, to the East, with Sucumbios and Napo, and to the West, with Esmeraldas and Manabí. Its capital Exempt is founded the 6 of December of 1534. Km2. has a surface of 16,599, with 2'466.245 inhabitants, data projected for year 2000.

Pichincha presents/displays a variety of climates from the intense cold of the Andean deserts, between 4 and 8ºC. until the semitropical zones in the spurs of the Western Mountain range like Santo Domingo of the Colored one that have an average temperature between 20 and 22ºC, in valleys the average temperature oscillates between 12 and 15ºC.



Cayambe in Quito EcuadorOne of the more important tourist points is the snow-covered Cayambe; which has in its skirts with a refuge for the lodging of andinistas.

To the Northeast we have the lagoon of San Marcos, surrounded by small water cataracts that form the Oyacachi river, this one has thermal waters and in his borders there are ruins of stone houses of the old town.




Los Bancos

Los Bancos in Quito EcuadorIt has great sectors with attractive tourist, in the Mindo parish we have the river that takes the same name, the protective forest, the cascade and the river and cloud forest Nambillo, the mariposario, the orquideario, the Mulaute river and Blanco river among others.






Mejia in Pichincha  Ecuador, Cantons of Pichincha provinceLocated in the Ecuadorian mountainous area, it presents incomparable a natural landscape that it invites to enjoy several types of tourism, as they are: the mountain tourism, the recreacional and scientific tourism, the tourism of health and the cultural tourism.

In Machachi this Rumiñahui volcano, Matriz church, plain of the pedregales, mineral water Tesalia.

Airport Transfer from Tababela Quito
Tours in Quito: fantastic tours to historical sites, museums, colonial churches, artisan galleries and a number of activities to choose from.